Most vegetables can be grown in the kitchen garden. One should be careful to plant the seeds at the right time while keeping the climate in that region in mind. While northerners can opt for varieties that yield faster, southerners can opt for those that might take a while to mature. Seed catalogues give information on the time each seed variety takes to mature and also about the ideal place for its plantation.
Tomato is the most preferred vegetable in the garden. It comes in different colors and also for different uses. These are good for growing in containers. They need support after a while due to the extent of their growth.
Bell and hot pepper grow well in gardens and containers. They require staking when many peppers hang from the plant.
Green beans planted in just a few rows will provide good yield for the whole family.
Cucumbers make for fresh salad. They can be planted along railings or in big containers. The bush variety is preferred since it has lesser sprawl.
Squash and zucchini are big plants. But if picked regularly, they give good yield.
Green leafy vegetables are preferred in gardens. They will need to be picked close to the end of the stem for new leaves.
Beet, carrot, radish and onions can give a good supply of vegetables for salads.
Winter squash and pumpkin need little care, grow easily and last longer when planted in cool and dry sites.
Broccoli is grown easily and offers lot of side shoots.
Sweet corn plant needs lot of space and many people ensure this for the yield it offers.
Vegetables That Grow Well A Home Garden